When she smiles at me each morning from her crib, with the biggest grin I've ever seen in my life, and an actual twinkle in her eye, there is Joy.
When she eagerly awaits for me to lift her out because she only knows endless possibilities for her day, and she may "starve" if she doesn't learn something new right away, there is Joy.
When she talks to me so emphatically, like she knows for a fact that she is sharing with me all of the secrets of the universe (and maybe she is), of life, of love, of legos, there is Joy.
When she waddles down the hall to her room, grabs the biggest book she can find, and toddles back to me, never giving up no matter how many times she drops it, so I will read it to her, there is Joy.
When she plays peek-a-boo behind the foot stool and giggles hysterically because she thinks we can't see her......when she makes us laugh so hard that we cry, there is Joy.
When she points to the squirrels in the yard and shouts with glee, "Puppy!".......
When she finds something that interests her and says with wide-eyed wonder, "ooooooohhhhhh".........
When she dances to Black Eyed Peas..........
When she signs the word "fish" by wiggling her body..........
When she asks for more food and my heart swells with thankfulness that we have enough to feed her as much as she'll ever need.........
When I look into her eyes and study her face, her mannerisms, her soul, and see generations within her..........
When I hear her squeal, "Daddy!" when Kurt gets home, as if she just won the baby equivalent of the lottery.........
there is overflowing Joy.
Thank you, Miss Daxy, for all that you bring to our lives.